聚時精密有限公司JU SHI Precision

聚時精密創立於2010年,多年專注OEM精密零件製造, 累積了不同領域的零件加工經驗與技術。
廠內擁有多台日本CNC走心,走刀車銑複合車床,全系列的機台設備提供最齊全的加工規格, 精密的檢驗儀器嚴格把關高品質的加工零件。

依照客戶圖面生產來滿足客戶所有的需求,從原物料採購、車床加工、表面處理、品檢, 組裝包裝,聚時提供一站式的完整服務。

Jushi Precision was founded in 2010. It has focused on OEM precision parts manufacturing for many years and has accumulated parts processing experience and technology in different fields. The factory has multiple Japanese CNC centering, tool-turning and milling composite lathes.

A full range of machine equipment provides the most complete processing specifications, and sophisticated inspection instruments strictly control high-quality processed parts.

We produce according to customer drawings to meet all customer needs, from raw material procurement, lathe processing, surface treatment, quality inspection, assembly and packaging, Jushi provides one-stop complete services.



Processing Capacity



The parts produced are used in hand tools, pneumatic tools, gas/hydraulic parts, valve joints,

construction hardware, bathroom hardware, bicycles, cars, motorcycles, ships, remote control toys, aerospace, medical... and other fields.

Post-processing & surface treatment

後製成加工 & 表面處理

為了與客戶建立多方面合作業務, 我們全面的服務範圍滿足了各種不同的後製成加工及表面處理需求。我們擁有長期配合的表面處理供應鏈,這些供應商與我們合作多年,並且在質量和服務態度方面都相當優異且定期通過考核。

We provide comprehensive surface treatment and processing services, including electroplating, anodizing, passivation, nickel/chromium plating, sandblasting, electroplating, laser engraving, etc.
In addition, we also provide heat treatment, black dyeing, grinding and polishing processes, aiming to Improve the durability, aesthetics and precision of products to meet various customer needs.
In order to establish multi-faceted cooperative business with customers, our comprehensive service range meets a variety of post-processing and surface treatment needs. We have a long-term surface treatment supply chain.
These suppliers have cooperated with us for many years, and they are excellent in terms of quality and service attitude and regularly pass assessments.



聚時精密有限公司Ju Shi Precision Co., Ltd.
TEL: 04-2339-5112
E-mail: sales@jsptw.com.tw
ADD: 台中市烏日區溪南路三段418巷305弄46號
請留 Line 或 mail 聯絡更加方便、熱心服務、值得信賴

專業服務 : 業務部 劉經理 / 0975-801-252